Welcome page with feature tours, help, and news from Sage.Email marketing with Sage E-marketing for ACT! 18.View LinkedIn®, Facebook®, and more from within Sage ACT!.Leads with Sage Business Info Services for ACT! 17 powered by Hoover’s™.Smart Tasks, which is like workflow, only easier.Works with Internet Explorer® 9 and Firefox® 4.Connections Page provides central access to web-based services, including Sage Connected Services.Mobile access to Sage ACT! contacts and calendar with Sage ACT! Connect 16.Google Contacts™ and Google Calendar™ sync.Sage ACT! Scratchpad, a convenient, virtual notepad.Automatically post e-marketing messages to LinkedIn®, Facebook®, and Twitter® with Social Sharing 15.Sage ACT! Premium Mobile 14, real-time access to Sage ACT! Premium contact and calendar details from iPhone®, iPad® or Android™ device.Works with Windows® 8, Windows Server® 2012, Windows® SBS 2011m Internet Explorer® 10, and iOS 6.Mobile clients work with Android™ Device Browsers 2.2, 2.3, 3.0, and 4.0, and Safari® for iPad® and iPhone® iOS4, iOS5, and iOS6.New wizards to help create a remote database, moving and sharing a database.Usability improvements based on customer feedback.
Smart Tasks now run offline 12 and include data/field triggers 13 for automatic updates.Social Updates 11, view and interact with customers’ LinkedIn® and Facebook® profiles from within their contact record.Sage ACT! Premium Mobile 10 – now includes Opportunities.Usability and System Improvements for Speed and Peace of Mind.Act! Premium Mobile 9 Enhancements Drive Productivity in the Field.New History View Provides an Insightful Look Back.New Calculated Fields Drive Prioritization and Maximize Customer IQ.Streamlined Company Management & Global Actions Increase Sales Effectiveness.Discover the new, modern look of Act!, and easily access resources, tools, and a variety of apps that help you get more out of your solution.New streamlined configuration and access options give you faster access to support, easier onboarding, and peace of mind – making deployment a snap!.Productivity enhancements such as new Outlook® sync options, integration with popular business tools, and more Smart Task options help you save time and stay organized.Enhanced emarketing, including Team access, Lead Capture, and new Smart Task options.